Monday, 28 May 2018

Veronica Dearly stationery club May.

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Veronica Dearly have a monthly stationery club (costs £10) that sends you a box every month full of cool stuff including some exclusive cards, a exclusive print, a sticker and other paper goods and fun things. Each month has a theme, and I think May has been my favourite so far: plants! As a proud plant parent I was very happy with everything that arrived...

 The cards are always a useful addition and I love that they cover all sorts of occasions.  The print is already on my wall, and I loved that the info sheet for this month had a print on the back (which is also on my wall!)

This month we got a necklace, which is a lovely four leaf clover

and a tiny magnet which is very cute!

That's the May box, I highly recommend this subscription- it's always a fun suprise.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Free Comic Book Day 2018.

I'm super late posting this, this year but here is my Free Comic Book Day 2018 post! (Here's 2017, 2016, and 2015!) This year I went with my sister, niece  (who looked very cool dressed as Batgirl) and brother in law and it happened to be the hottest day ever. 

Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday in May every year and comic book shops give out specially printed free comics from tons of different comic publishers and some stores have events and celebrations going on.
Usually when we go we make a day of it in our city (Birmingham) and get some nice food and have a nerdy treat 'yo self day. This year we were on the poor side so toned it down a bit! But we did go to a delicious cookie dough place in the Bullring and it was GOOOOD!

These were the free comics I picked up. The main one I wanted was Comic Friends Forever which I got (yay!) I missed out on a few others but did get the Forbidden Planet exclusive Doctor Who comic which had a very cool introduction of the thirteenth Doctor.

I was very chuffed to pick up a signed Motor Crush comic and trade set. Babs Tarr is one of my favourite comic artists, and I love Fletcher and Stewart too so this baby is going in a frame.

I've been enjoying reading these True Believer reprints and have been soaking up anything to do with Thanos after seeing Infinity War (twice, because I'm obsessed!)

I also got a whole bunch of cheap back issues and was happy to find a Frison Wonder Woman variant I'd missed out on. Altogether it was a nice day despite the unbearable heat.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Indie Brand: Little Scented Memories.

I recently found Little Scented Memories through Twitter and after seeing some pictures of their stuff and having a browse of their site knew I had to put in an order! Little Scented Memories sell scented wax products, candles and other lovely treats. It is run by Lorraine who makes everything handmade and there are a HUGE selection of scents including well known Lush and perfume scents.

I got a selection of wax pods, a snap bar and a Lush sampler box. The snap bars look so pretty, and I love that a lot of the wax products have cool colour combinations and glitter. It's also worth noting that all the wax is made from 100% natural EcoSystem soy and are vegan.

The wax pods I picked were Karma (which smells exactly like the Lush scent), Snow Fairy, which although isn't exactly like the Lush scent still smells really good, Luscious Violet, and my favourite of the bunch Lolita Sweet- which I picked because it was pink and sparkly. It smells seriously beautiful and is based off a perfume I've not smelt but it smells like sweet cherries.

The Lush sampler box contains 3 mini wax stars in four different Lush scents: Sex Bomb (I believe this is the same scent as Snow Fairy), Jungle Juice, 1000 Kisses and Yummy Yummy. All these smell spot on to me. They are still a generous size and I found using one of these scented my bedroom nicely. 

I found the wax melted fairly quickly and gave off an almost instant scent that lasted well. I'd highly recommend trying out Little Scented Memories- the products are great quality, a good price, arrived super quick and Lorraine is lovely to deal with. There are TONS of different scents to try and I will definitely be ordering again in the future.

Check out Little Scented Memories and use the code 'Senseless' for 15% off! 

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Self care Sunday: smells.

Today's post is all about self care tips for your nose!

1. Steam of a hot bath. Drop a fancy bath bomb in and enjoy the nice smells whilst the steam is great for your pores- especially if you put on a face mask or do a face scrub.

2. Dehumidifier with a few drops of essential oils. I LOVE my dehumidifier- I got one from Amazon and put a few drops of essential oils in (my favourites are fresh linen from Amazon, Vanilla from The Body Shop or if I am congested Tea Tree oil) and it released a scented steam. It's really relaxing to have in the room and has a nice gentle sound as well.

3. Make some fancy coffee. Nothing smells better than a fresh cup of coffee. You can pick up some great ground coffee cheap at the supermarket for a french press or cafetiere (my favourite is Starbucks home blend) or if I want something quick and easy I'll make a latte in my Tassimo machine.

4. Bake a cake. If you enjoy baking then why not put an afternoon by to make a cake (and then put your feet up after and enjoy a slice of it!) The baking smells are sure to lift your mood a little.

5. Open the windows. Something simple, but opening the windows and letting in some fresh air really does make a difference. Especially now we are in May- you can't beat the smell of the fresh Spring air.

6. Have a Spring clean. If you are feeling low then you tend to put off chores. Have a little Spring clean and it might make you feel a little better- and it's something to tick off the to do list. Even if you just have a hoover, or spray some anti-bac in the kitchen. It will make your home feel a bit more comfortable and will smell nice and fresh.

7. Same goes for personal hygiene. When your mental health takes a knock normal stuff goes out the window but push yourself to have a quick refreshing shower, and give your hair a wash. Use your favourite smelling body wash. You will feel so much better for it.

I hope some of these ideas were useful!

Previously in my self care senses series: Sounds

My Etsy shop: Self Care Stop

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Small Pleasures 3.

Sometimes it's good to celebrate the little things, so here are some of my small pleasures from the last few weeks...

1. Seeing Avengers Infinity War *still recovering*
2. Walks in the park & seeing the pretty blossom trees
3. Music: Janelle Monáe and Alice Bag
4. The latest episode of SNL with Donald Glover
5. Raspberry Magnums
6. Bargain Seventeen makeup (they are being discontinued)
7. Tales of the Suspense: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier comic book series
8. Getting a cheap sign board (see below!)
9. Arrested Development Remix (can't wait for series 5!)
10. Going round my Dads to have a curry, play Xbox and watch Bullseye
11. Bargain shoes in the sale from Asda
12. A new member of the plant family