Sunday, 12 January 2020

Reading plans for 2020.

I've decided to set some goals for 2020 when it comes to reading... here goes:

1. Read less thrillers (have been getting bored with them for a while)
2. Read more non fiction (I only read a handful in 2019)
3. Read A Little Life (it's the longest book on my shelf at 720 pages!)
4. Read more literary fiction
5. Try and buy less books and work through my shelves.

With the aim of working through my shelves I have picked a selection of books that I own that feel are my most anticipated reads. My challenge is to stick to these until I've read them all. It's definitely going to be hard! The exceptions are: this doesn't include currently reading, audiobooks, pre-orders and comics. 

So here are my picks:

A few stats:
2 poetry
8 non fiction
1 sequel
4 distopian
2 historical
6 YA
9 authors I've read before
20 new to me writers

I am also following a reading challenge that I've shared on my instagram that ties in with these books. If you are interested in my progress feel free to follow me on Goodreads (link up the top) and Instagram where I post monthly reading round ups and current reads (link to the side somewhere).

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Favourites of 2019.

It's been a while, happy new year! I thought I would do a round up of my favourites of 2019. Above are my favourites reads of the year (if I had to pick one favourite it would be We Are Okay by Nina LaCour)

Favourite shows: Maniac, Unbelievable, The Keepers, Brooklyn 99, Russian Doll, Black Mirror, Inside Number 9, iZombie and Criminal: UK.

Favourite films:

Favourite games: Red Dead Redemption 2 and Houseflipper

Favourite albums: Spotifty playlist here