Friday, 26 April 2013

Pick 'n' Mix & American candy...

Whilst out shopping today i stumbled on a new shop, that was quite frankly pick 'n' mix heaven. Any sweet you can think of they had it, i was quite literally like a kid in a sweet shop! I have always loved pick 'n' mix, when i was a kid it would be a big treat to be let loose in Woolworths pick 'n' mix shovel in hand. So, faced with a huge shop filled with the stuff, i couldn't resist.

They had some of my favourites- watermelon slices, fizzy peaches, and how cool does that sugared foam ice cream cone look?! Another new discovery was chocolate cashew nuts...YUM! Each sweet was labelled, and there was some neon rainbow gummy shaped mice simply labelled 'psycho mice' which made me laugh :)

It was priced 99p per 100g, which compared to cinema prices is not bad, although lets face it the price of gold per 100g is probably cheaper than sweets at the cinema!

As well as pick 'n' mix, the shop had tons of American candy (and not at the extortionate prices i usually see) so i picked a few out. I chose Reeses sticks, peanut butter Twix, and peanut butter Snickers squares (can you tell i have a peanut butter obsession...).  I am happy with my little haul of treats, and will definitely be making a return visit! 

Anyone else love pick 'n' mix?



  1. I adore pick n mix, I was going so often that the lady there started to recognise me haha. I always choose the sour ones and the little blue dolphins lol have to say I'm intrigued by psycho mice!

    1. haha i love the little blue dolphins! I can confirm the psycho mice tasted good (^_^) x


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