Sunday, 7 July 2013

Current obsessions...

Admittedly this is a totally frivolous post but meh!

I am a total newcomer to Breaking Bad, but after getting Netflix I am literally obsessed with this show. I have nearly got fully up to date, watching up to episode 4 in season 5 in a couple of weeks (impressive right? ha) The final episodes are going out in the U.S right now *sobs*. My favourite character is Jesse, just for the fact he's given me a new found love for the word 'bitch'.

My current music obsession is Queens of the Stone Age's latest album, this has been on constant repeat since I bought it. I've loved QOTSA since my teenage years (making me feel old...) and I can't wait to see them in....NOVEMBER! Which is ages away.  Other albums on repeat are the new ones from IAMX, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

The past week has seen actual real life Summer weather in the UK. And for that reason, as well as moaning about the heat I have been consuming many ice lollies! My favourites are Fab :)

Stickers! Who doesn't love stickers? I stole a few Rilakkuma stickers from my shop because they are too cute. I've covered my new laptop in them, and now I have to return it for a replacement because it's faulty...Boo!  

On a side note, may I present to you my fridge art entitled simply 'Ode to Stallone'. These pictures of Sylvester  looking mildly confused always make me smile when I'm getting milk for my coffee in the morning!


  1. Omg Netflix is so addictive! A definite social life destroyer haa there's just too many good shows to watch! :) x


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