Monday, 19 October 2015

New books...

 What She Left by T.R. Richmond
I've been waiting for this to come out in paperback for a while... A psychological thriller about a young girl who had her whole life ahead of her until she mysteriously drowns. Nobody knows why, but Alice left some clues. This is a collection of her diary entries, texts, emails and social media history. I love books that shake up the format a bit. 

The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne
I've been undecided whether to pick this up but got it to make up the 2 for £7 offer. This is about identical twin daughters- one, Lydia dies in an accident and the surviving twin Kirstie and her parents move to a Scottish island to repair their lives. But then Kirstie claims to be Lydia and things get creepy.

Charity shop buys...
Rage Against the Dying by Becky Masterman
Firstly I love the name and cover! This is a crime thriller about retired FBI agent Brigid Quinn. She believes a man has wrongly confessed to a murder and gets on the case. I've heard some brilliant things about this book- particularly about the gutsy older female protagonist.  

All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson
This was a impulse buy because I loved the cover and the plot sounds very Blade Runner-esque. About an ex cop, and a girl who's a virtual post human being this sounds futuristic and noir.

Different for Girls by Louise Wener
This is a memoir from Brit pop band Sleeper's front woman. Although I'm not particularly a fan of the band I have a huge interest in the riot grrl/ britpop era and woman in rock in general and have heard this gives a great insight into that time.

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