Monday, 2 November 2015

October reading round up...

What She Left by T.R. Richmond
A young woman had her whole life ahead of her until she mysteriously drowns. Nobody knows why, but Alice left some clues. This is a collection of her diary entries, texts, emails and social media history. Sadly I was disappointed with this one. It mainly revolved around a professor from Alice's former university who was hugely unlikeable and not very interesting. There weren't any nice characters in this and I found the ending a little meh and obvious. 2/5  

The Mistletoe Bride and Other Haunting Tales by Kate Mosse
This is a collection of eerie and haunting ghost stories. They are very much in the vein of classic horror (think Poe) and are all based on real life places or folk tales. I enjoyed Mosses notes after each story explaining her inspiration. Some stories were better than others (my favourite was the title story) but this book made for an enjoyable Halloween read.  

Wytches Vol.1 by Scott Snyder & Jock
A new horror series about the Rooks family who move to a remote town to escape past troubles but find that something evil is waiting for them in the woods. Despite the clichés this was a promising start, with likeable characters and intriguing plot twists. The artwork was also a highlight with splats of watercolour layered over the pages to give a really effective look. 3/5

Material Vol.1 by Ales Kot & Will Tempest
"America is unwinding. The world is undergoing massive changes. MATERIAL is a journey through what it means to be alive, today." How can you resist a blurb like that? This comic deals with topics such as racism, police violence, sexism, religion, freedom and misogyny as it switches between a selection of characters. I loved the message and stories, but it was let down for me by the constant changing almost every page between characters. I also wasn't a fan of the stark artwork although I understand the horribly garish colours were intentional to reflect the uncomfortable subject matter. For the themes alone it is definitely worth picking up. 3/5

Catwoman: The Visual Guide to the Feline Fatale by Scott Beatty
Catwoman is one of my favourite ever comic book characters and this book is a guide of her character progression since she first appeared in Batman #1 in 1940. It covers everything from her origin story, her various costumes, her different storylines, her friends and foes and her on off relationship with Batman/ Bruce Wayne. I really enjoyed how this book was laid out, and it was packed full of great artwork- although it's a little old now so it doesn't include The New 52 or onwards. 4/5

Single Issues...

I loved every single issue I read this month but my favourites were Zodiac Starforce, Paper Girls, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and Batman '66 Poison Ivy's Deadly Kiss.

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