Monday, 4 January 2016

December reading round up...

The Grown Up by Gillian Flynn
I've loved everything Flynn has published so far so bought and read this as soon as it came out. A short story (originally published in an anthology) this is about a young woman making a living by pretending to be a pychic. As usual with Flynn we get intriguing but unlikeable characters, I thought this story was best when it went into supernatural horror territory, but the ending was too predictable as I know Flynn's style by know so there was no surprises. An enjoyable if predictable story that will tide me over till she releases something new. 3.5/5

The Hand That Feeds You by A.J. Rich
Morgan a psychology student specialising in victim psychology comes home to find her fiancée has been killed and her dogs covered in blood. Traumatised, Morgan tries to locate her fiancées family only to find he was not the man she thought he was. The main character was a little on the dull side, but the writing was good and the story kept me intrigued (although I did guess the end). I enjoyed the facts and studies about victims and sociopaths that came up throughout the book as well. Overall a decent crime thriller. 3.5/5

Bitch Planet Vol.1 by Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine De Landro
Described as Margaret Atwood meets Inglorious Basterds(!) this is a feminist sci-fi satire about a planet where non compliant women are sent as punishment. Full of in your face badass, diverse and empowering women, retro style artwork, humour, and plenty of interesting topics this is a must read that leaves you with a lot to think about. I can't recommend this enough, although it's a shame the tpb doesn't come with all the equally as interesting essays that featured in the single issues. 4/5

A-Force Vol. 0: Warzones by G. Willow Wilson & Marguerite Bennett
I've previously mentioned how much I love this series in my favourite new comic book series post, this is an all female avengers team featuring Marvel's mightiest women protecting Arcadia and featuring a brand new Marvel character. The artwork to this mini series is stunning, and I'm so glad it's been kept on for a longer run as there are so many characters I'm looking forward to getting to know some of them better. (read in single issues)  4/5

Giant Size Little Marvel: AvX Vol.1 by Scottie Young
Another series I read in single issues this is a cute and fun story featuring the Avengers and X-Men as opposing school kid gangs fighting over which gang the mysterious new twins should join. Heavy on the humour, and lovely bright colourful artwork this was lots of fun, and little Black Widow and Hawkeye were adorable! 3.5/5

Single issues...

I'm very behind with my single issues at the moment, but these were my favourite two that I read in December and of course both featuring Catwoman!

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