Friday, 26 June 2020

Easy DIY: pom pom phone case

This is a super easy and very cute DIY.

All you need is:
Hot glue gun
Clear silicone phone case (find them on ebay)
pom poms (works best if you have a selection of sizes)

It's just a case of sticking the pom poms on. Work quick as hot glue dries fast. Also make sure you have some small pom poms to fill in gaps. Once it's all dry add glue where needed and then put some around the edges of the case to make sure the pom poms stay put. I also have a pop socket on mine so covered that too.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

90s nostalgia: Addams Family trading cards

The Addams Family films are 2 of the best 90s films ok. I got a whole box of trading cards for my 90s boxes in my etsy shop (link over there>>>) and I couldn't help but open a couple of packs. I got a cool Morticia sticker!

Friday, 19 June 2020

80s Nostalgia: Supergirl trading cards

I managed to get a box load of sealed Supergirl trading cards. I loved the film when I was a kid. Of course I had to open a few packs, and they are brilliantly cheesy. The rest of the packs will be going in my geeky boxes on etsy. Link over there somewhere >>>

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

90s Nostalgia: Point Horror

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Living with agoraphobia: things I've learnt

1. Having the internet is hugely important, it's like my life line to the world. Through social media I am able to communicate with people whilst being at home. I can read what's going on in the world, I can watch other people's lives on Youtube and I can talk to people on Twitter and Instagram about all sorts of random things. I truly think without it I would struggle so much more.

2. It's hard and it's lonely. I worry about what people think a lot. Do they think I'm lazy? pretending? Do my neighbours notice? What does the postman think? I over think EVERYTHING. 

3. The garden still counts as out. It's Summer, we've had some great weather and I like the idea of reading outside, but I've realised that unless there is someone else there it is a no go. I still feel anxious even though it's the garden. I need to work on this. When there's a knock at the door my heart jumps out my chest. It's usually just the postman but it still panics me. Some days I can open the door, other days not. Something else I need to work on. 

4. I look forward to Saturday, because I get to see people and often leave the house. It's usually only to the shops or park but getting out the house is important.

5. I need focus. If I didn't have something to focus on I would loose my mind. I write a to do list each week and work through it. Making things for my etsy shop keeps me busy which is good, it helps me hugely. 

6. I think to the future when I am not agoraphobic. I know this won't last forever and I know I can beat it. I think to those times and it keeps me optimistic.

[I've had this in drafts forever and a lot has happened since then in terms of covid, lockdown etc... I am actually dreading when lockdown ends in many ways so thought I would post this]