Thursday, 5 February 2015

Time To Talk Day...

Today the 5th of February is Time To Talk Day, where mental health charities Rethink Mental Illness and Mind are asking for everyone to take 5 minutes out of their day to talk about mental illness. The more we talk about it the more we end the stigma around it. 

Mental illness is sadly still seen as a taboo subject, where many people are scared to tell people, or get help for fear of judgement. The main cause of this is a total lack of understanding. I've been there myself, I can recall countless times I've had stupid or insensitive comments from people after talking about my illness. 

So if you know someone who is living with a mental illness take a few minutes today to talk to them, ask how they are. Just knowing you have people who care about you can be a huge help. And if you have a mental illness maybe share your story, or talk to someone about it.

Hi, I'm Shell. I live with bipolar disorder and anxiety. Today I am feeling ok. How about you? Let's keep the conversation going, and help end the stigma. 

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