Monday, 18 July 2016

New books...

Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes
I have had this on pre-order for ages and am excited to finally be able to read it. This is the sequel to You, one of my favourite reads from last year (review here) about a New Yorker named Joe who also happens to be a stalker, murderer and psychopath. This one follows on from the first book and I can't wait to read what Joe gets up to next.

Bloodsong by Melvin Burgess
Another sequel! This is the follow on book to Bloodtide- a favourite since I first read it as a teenager. I only just discovered there was a sequel recently and quickly snapped it up. Bloodtide is an intense, and crazy story set in a future England where cities are now shut off and owned by gangs. This follows two of the biggest gangs as they try and come to a truce after arranging a marriage between their children. Full of twists and turns it is a really dark and twisted story that's very addictive, and it gives me an excuse to re-read Bloodtide too!

This Book Will Save Your Life by A.M. Homes
I bought two Homes books on impulse when I saw them on Amazon for £1.99 each. This one is about a rich and privileged stocks and shares trader in LA who leads a solitary life until he has a health scare and befriends a donut shop worker. It sounds like a nice uplifting read.

May We Be Forgiven by A.M. Homes
This one was the winner for the women's prize for fiction in 2013 and is about two brothers whose lives spiral out of control. It promises to be heartbreaking, hilarious, honest, and uplifting... so we'll see!

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