Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Etude House Juicy Cocktail Nails...

I'll be the first to admit that I am completely terrible at any kind of nail art. This cute little gift set from Etude House gives you everything you need to create a graduation nail effect. I got the shade Peach Crush as a Birthday present, but have only just got round to trying them out.

In the box you get three mini nail polishes in complimenting shades. The package gives some easy to follow instructions but with my expertise a 'simple' graduation nail is not easy! Nevertheless I gave it a go. You apply the base shade Calm Peach (which I found hardly showed up), then around half way up apply the middle shade Exuberant Peach, finally applying Bright Peach to the tips. As you can see from my attempts below I found it hard to make it look tidy- it looks more like messy stripes than a gradient look. 

On the plush side the top two colours are really beautiful shades that I would happily wear by themselves. After a couple of coats they are nicely opaque, applied smoothly and have a really pretty fine shimmer running through them. If you are fine with nail art I'd say this would be a lovely little set to get- and they have a selection of different colours to choose from too. I think I'll stick to much more simple nail looks in future though...!


  1. I quite like the stripey look, because of the milky colours it kind of looks like an ice cream bar :D


  2. Prettiest colors ever!! The striped one is my favorite!


  3. Nooo I like the stripy one :D it's unique!

    Dannie x


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