Sunday, 28 December 2014

What I got for Christmas...

So following on from yesterdays post, here is the things I got for Christmas! As usual I was very lucky and got thoroughly spoilt...

I got a set of Batgirl socks, a marvel cup, a funny Hulk shower gel, Pulp Fiction mug, and yummy chocolate...

Hello kitty cushion and clock, some Rilakkuma bento moulds and My Neighbour Totoro DVD.

I can't get over how cool these are! A collection of framed watercolour prints (unfortunately the lighting was terrible when I took these pictures so you can't make out the quotes but you can find them here) I have Mark from Peep Show, Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development, Enid Coleslaw from Ghost World, Amelie, and Wednesday Addams. These will look great on my wall of pictures! 

I got a lovely selection of Punky Pins jewellery including a name necklace...

And a Tassimo! I am in love with this machine, and dread to think how much coffee I have drank over the last couple of days. Everyone got me packs of the pods as well, so I have a good supply, so far my favourite is the Costa caramel latte. Yum!

Lastly, although not an Xmas present this cute panda bag finally arrived- I'd bought it on Ebay ages ago. I also have a few things waiting to arrive that I ordered with Xmas money and may or may not involve my latest obsession: Pop Vinyl fugures....

So that was all the lovely things I got for Christmas :) If you do one of these posts let me know, as I am currently addicted to being nosey and seeing what everyone else got! 


  1. I love the prints so much they are brill


  2. You received such lovely things. I love the Hello Kitty cushion :)

    Dannie x

  3. I love those prints soooo much! :D
    But that Hulk shower gel is frigging amazing haha


  4. AHHH YOU GOT A TASSIMO!! I've honestly wanted one for ages and omg... just omg XD I love yours gifts honey! The marvel fanatic inside of me is loving that top picture a lot ;)

  5. Ooh adorable bag! I need a new one myself *^* my mom has a tassimo but always buys the really strong coffees that I don't like, should really invest in my own! Happy new year lovely ❤️

  6. Try the Costa Caramel Latte and Cadbury hot chocolate they are AMAZING!!

  7. Try the Costa Caramel Latte and Cadbury hot chocolate they are AMAZING!! Thanks- happy new year to you too :) x

  8. I shall dooo! If i don't get my own i'll just buy some of the discs and go to my mom's 8D thank you!


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