Monday, 29 June 2015

June reading round up...

I had to go into to hospital this month to have surgery so knew I wouldn't get as much reading in as usual. I didn't do too badly though so thought I would still do a round up...

The Lie by C.L. Taylor
This was an ok thriller about Jane a woman trying to escape a tragedy that happened five years before. When she starts getting messages about it she realised she will have to face her past and find out what really happened. Read my full review here.

Normal by Graeme Cameron
A thriller told from the perspective of a serial killer... Sounds intriguing. Unfortunately this wasn't anywhere near as dark or twisted as I'd hoped. Full review soon!

Nailbiter Vol.1 by Joshua Williamson & Mike Henderson
This is a new horror series about a town that has produced sixteen serial killers. When his FBI profiler friend goes missing, agent Finch must team up with Sheriff Crane and notorious serial killer Edward "Nailbiter" Warren to find his friend. I found this to be a poor mans rip off of The Silence of the Lambs mashed up with Seven. The characters where pretty dull, and the story didn't really pull me in. The best thing about it was the amazing cover...

Hawkeye Vol.1 My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction, David Aja & Javier Pulido
I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Hawkeye, and I really enjoyed this comic. It didn't take itself too seriously, had plenty of action and I loved the very purple colour palette. Will definitely be continuing with this series. 

My favourite single issues of the month were A- Force #1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer S10 #14, and And Then Emily Was Gone #1- I have a big pile that I'm still yet to read so I'm sure next month's favourites will  be a lot longer!

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