Sunday, 7 June 2015

New stuff...

Here's the stuff I've been buying over the last few months!

This is my first ever purchase from Tee Fury and I'm in love! Catwoman is my all time favourite comic book character and Batman Returns is my favourite Batman film. With it being purple too I feel like this shirt was made for me! Unbelievably this beauty cost less than a tenner including postage from America too. Win!

Of course some comics! I got volume 1 of horror/ mystery series Nailbiter- that amazing cover sucked me in. I also got volume 1 of the new-ish She- Hulk series which I can't wait to read. In Tesco I couldn't resist this Avengers Character Guide for £5. It's packed full of great artwork and character profiles of the many many heroes and villains of the Avengers.

I got some cute Hello Kitty goodies from Home Bargains including a mug to add to my (ridiculously big) collection. I also think the police kitty is kind of hilarious. All this cost under a fiver- bargain :) 

From Simply Be and armed with a discount code I ordered a couple of tops as my wardrobe is mostly black, and thought it needed a bit of a colour injection for the Summer. I got an aqua dip dye top and the troublemaker top was a winner straight away as it's pastel purple! 

Finally, of course there had to be some Pop! Vinyls. These three were all from Amazon marketplace seller Game Dealz who are from the U.S but charge just £7.99 inc postage. Every Pop I've bought from them has arrived in brilliant condition and I definitely recommend. So happy I finally have Mystique- she was always my favourite as a kid! 


  1. danniella josephine9 June 2015 at 14:01

    Yay for Pop Vinyls! I really want more, but I know that once I start collecting the GoT line I will never stop :)

    Dannie x

  2. That Catwoman t shirt is amaaazing! xx


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