Friday, 24 June 2016

Pop in a Box June...

Another month another Pop in a box!

Pop in a Box is great subscription service if you are a Funko collector- you get sent a mystery pop (or more depending on your subscription choice) and it will only be ones that you put into your wishlist meaning you don't get disappointed!

This month I didn't actually get a Pop I got a Dorbz. I remember saying ages ago that I was adamant that I wasn't going to start collecting these things, and now I have five already -_- they keep releasing cute ones dammit! This one is the Wonder Woman from Batman Vs Superman and she is adorable (adorbzable?! ok, I'll shut up..)   
Too see all my other Pop in a Box posts click here

If you are interested in subbing to PIAB use my link to get 20% off! 

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