Sunday, 21 May 2017

Geeky bookish haul...

I was recently involved in a highly stressful incident at work and it caused my anxiety to rear it's head. In times of high anxiety I have a tendency to over spend and buy stuff... so here is the product of that stress! There are quite a few haul posts on this blog at the moment as after payday hit I kind of just went for it! Anyway here's some cool bookish stuff I bought!

I don't tend to go into Waterstones very often as I find them quite pricey but I got a bit carried away with their bookish gift section and bought this adorable mini book on The Brontes. It's a traditionally bound book and summarises all of the Bronte sisters novels as well as giving background info. It's also very cute and makes a lovely book shelf decoration! 

I also found a George Orwell essay I wasn't familiar with, which I look forward tor reading. My Dad got me a very cool DC Comics colouring book (packed with Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Batman and Batgirl) and an L.S.P. Adventure Time keyring to cheer me up. Oh, and that book nerd badge was by the tills at Waterstones and I couldn't resist...

Finally, I was highly amused to find this talking Batman bust. It came with a little book and when you press the button on his utility belt he says various phrases. This put a much needed smile on my face and my favourite of his phrases is "THE JOKES ON YOU JOKER!" Smooth, Batman, smooth.

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