Wednesday, 17 May 2017

New books.

Payday + high anxiety = book buying!

After really enjoying Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard I decided to pick up her latest book A Quiet Kind of Thunder. This ones looks like it's more of a romance which isn't really my kind of thing but I loved her writing so want to give it a try. Seeing as I'm a bit of a new convert to YA I also picked up both of Sue Wallman's books- Lying About Last Summer, and See How They Lie. Both are YA type thrillers by the sounds of it (EDIT: I've read See How They Lie and loved it!) It turns out YA books seem to be great distractions for anxiety as they are easier reads.

I also picked up two adult thrillers. The latest Louise Doughty book Black Water, which hopefully will be just as suspenseful as Apple Tree Yard, which I loved. I read it a couple of years ago and for some reason have never read any of her other books. Blood Wedding was a bit of an impulse buy, but it's thriller by french writer Pierre Lemaitre about a woman who creates a new identity after being involved in a crime.  Finally, in Waterstones I picked up this cute Little Book of Wonder Woman which is packed with art, covers and the history of the iconic character.

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