Friday, 26 May 2017

New books part 2!

On payday I decided to treat myself to a few books. You can see the other half of this haul here!

I've had my eye on Ice Cream for Breakfast by Laura Jane Williams for a while, I love the sprinkles on the cover. This looks like a fun non fiction read. These style self help books seem hugely popular of late, and although I'm not typically a fan of self help books per-see I couldn't resist giving this a try! 

This is a book I was kindly sent for review from Headline, and Ararat is the story of mountain climbers who encounter an evil spirit in a cave. It sounds very intriguing and reminds me a little of The White Road which I read recently and loved. 

I've been waiting for this book to be released for ages and it's beautiful! I think The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen is a fairly self explanatory title and it's written in chronological order and features tons of characters- quite a few I've never heard of. I also really enjoy Hope Nicholson's writing. 

Finally this isn't technically a book and I got it a while back but I wanted to mention Do What You Want which is a zine about mental wellbeing. It is packed with essays, interviews, articles, poetry, recipes, and beautiful artwork all centred around mental health. I've read about half of it so far and really love it. I highly recommend picking up a copy [here] and another bonus is that all proceeds go to mental health charities. :)

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