Monday, 15 September 2014

Recently watched...

Here are some things I've been watching lately...

Lucy (2014)
This started off as a really good badass thriller that slowly descended into complete ridiculousness. Despite that I still really enjoyed it! Even during the later half of the film when it was spouting all sorts of crazy "scientific" philosophy and trying to be all poignant. As with all Luc Benson films this looked amazing and sounded good too, but Scarlett Johansson's performance stole everything. It was also a bonus to see Korean actor Choi Min-sik as a mobster boss. 

In Their Skin (2012)
This was one of the most frustrating films ever. A house invasion film that looked like it could have an interesting story ended up being an hour and a half of me shouting angrily at the screen (they had so many missed opportunities!) There was an attempt at a twist but it fizzled out to a really disappointing 'nothing' kind of ending.

Magic Magic (2013)
Sky described this as a horror so I went into it expecting something completely different to what the film actually was. Following a young girl travelling to visit her cousin in Chille this follows her slow descent into madness after getting insomnia and struggling to cope in a place so far away from home. The film is pretty strange, but captures Alicia's breakdown and paranoia so well you find yourself questioning what is real and what is in her mind. I'd describe this as a dark psychological drama, which is well worth a watch.

Bates Motel
I've been waiting for this to come on Netflix for ages, and very quickly worked my way through season one's ten episodes. This is a prequel to the film Psycho but set in modern day, and follows an eighteen year old Norman Bates and his mother Norma just as they are moving into Bates Motel. The series is really dark and full of shady characters and the gradual development of Norman is interesting to watch. I'd definitely recommend this, and am eagerly awaiting series two being added to Netflix. (Damn you Netflix, why must you take so long?!) 


  1. Ooh Bates Motel looks and sounds good. I'll be sure to add that to my list!


  2. I have a feeling you like unusual films? :D I am all about the romantic comedies!

    Danniella x


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