Monday, 22 April 2019

Primark haul.

Can you tell I like earrings?! The bigger and tacky the better. Most of these were reduced to just a £1 each too!

If you want some cheap and comfortable sandals for Summer I recommend these ones. They are just £6 and are basically rip off Birkenstocks. They are really comfy too. The cushion was cute and reduced to £3, I think it's from a youtubers collection but I have no idea who tbh.

So Primark have cute stationery now... The cherry pom pom pen is SCENTED. 

Well that's my little Primark haul and this caption is amazing.

Friday, 19 April 2019

My book pre-orders.

Sarah Lotz- Missing Person: released 04/09/19
Smooth Criminals Vol.1: released 08/08/19
Heartstopper Vol.2: released 11/07/19
Sawkill Girls- Claire Legrand: released 27/06/19
The Wall- John Lanchester: released 05/09/19
Recipes For Self Love- Rachel Alison: released 30/05/19
Under the Moon, A Catwoman Tale by Lauren Myracle: released 07/05/19
Teen Titans: Raven- Kami Garcia: released 02/07/19
The Turn of the Key- Ruth Ware: released 08/08/19
Wilder Girls- Rory Power: released 06/02/20
No Big Deal- Bethany Rutter: released 08/08/19
The Avant-Guards Vol.1-Carly Udin: released 03/10/19
Blackbird Vol.1- Jen Bartel & Sam Humphries: released 14/05/19
Black Canary Ignite- Meg Cabot: released 29/10/19
Dead Popular- Sue Wallman: released 01/08/19
You All Grow Up and Leave Me- Piper Weiss: released 30/05/19
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl- Andrea Lawlor: released 18/04/19
Geek Girls Don't Cry- Andrea Towers: released 07/06/19 

In today's post I wanted to round up all the books I have on pre-order for the year.

Non fiction...
Recipes For Self Love is a great instagram account that pairs beautiful illustrations with self care and self love advice and quotes. I am really looking forward to the book. You All Grow Up and Leave Me is a mix of true crime and 90's coming of age memoir about a woman involved with a child predator as a teenager and this book offers a combination of her coming to terms with her past and a psychological examination of predators. It sounds very interesting. In Geek Girls Don't Cry, Towers who works at Marvel examines what it is to be a strong woman in a world dominated by male superheroes. Also it has a stunning cover by Paulina Ganucheau. 

I am a big fan of horror writer Sarah Lotz and Missing Person is her next novel. The release date keeps changing for this- I just want to read it dammit! Some things I love in fiction: female friendship, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and horror. Sawkill Girls offers all three so I ordered it! Likewise with Wilder Girl. A couple of my auto buy authors have new books out this year, thriller writer Ruth Ware has The Turn of the Key and YA thriller writer Sue Wallman has Dead Popular. I always pre-order their books and am eager to read their latest. Bethany Rutter is a fat positive blogger/ advocate who I have followed for a long time and her debut book No Big Deal is out this year with with a fat MC and themes of body positivity: I am in! 
I love dystopian fiction and wanted to try some more sci-fi this year and The Wall grabbed my attention. About an island that build a barrier around their land and what happens to the people on the inside and outside with themes of climate change and survival. Lastly, Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl is set in the 90s in a world of riot grrl and gay bars this is about a young man who can shape shift at will.

Comics and graphic novels...
I read the first issue of Smooth Criminals and instantly pre-ordered the first volume! A team up of a cat burglar who was frozen in the 60s and Brenda a geeky hacker they become loveable partners in crime. Heartstopper Vol.1 was PERFECTION so of course I ordered the next installment- it's a wholesome and cute romance that it is impossible to dislike. Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale is an original graphic novel about Selina as teenager and as a Catwoman fangirl it was a must! Likewise Teen Titans: Raven and Black Canary: Ignite are from the same line- these sound really promising, and I am really excited for them.

The Avant-Guards Vol.1 is written by Carly Usdin who is a very cool creator and that was the main reason I pre-ordered this, but it also happens to be about a group of misfits so I couldn't say no. Finally Blackbird Vol.1 is by two of my favourite comic book writers. Although I've read this is single issues I wanted to support the creators, it's a modern witchy fantasy and Jen Bartels artwork is amazing.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Paperchase haul: Sisterhood collection

I am a long term stationery addict- when I was a kid I would spend all my pocket money on fancy pens, pencil cases & tins, sticky notes and notebooks. All these years later not much has changed. I do love Paperchase although the price stops me from shopping in there regularly. Then they dropped the sisterhood collection. A collection inspired by feminism and featuring some beautiful designs. This is a combination of online and in store purchases (it sold out pretty quick in my local store). Here's what I got... 

The Empower journal is bloody beautiful! It is filled with quotes and writing prompts inside. I also got the matching tote bag- I love the camo inspired design. 

This is a very lovely felt flag which I have displayed on my desk. 

The stickers weren't from the collection but I couldn't resist the 90s video game themed ones, and the rainbow club ones. I CAN NEVER RESIST PRETTY STICKERS. 

More stickers, and how damn cute are they. I also got the Girl Power badge set and postcard which is on my wall. There were a few more bits that I have since got(!) which I will post about separately... Paperchase what are you doing to me!

Friday, 12 April 2019

Right Now.

Watching: I watched Captain Marvel and I loved it! Also, new Brooklyn 99 and my new obsession: decluttering videos on YouTube.
Reading: Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney

Listening: Femme, Black Honey, Karen 0 & Danger Mouse and Robyn
Eating: McVities chocolate digestives and yoghurt drinks are my current jam.
Wearing: I got some Reeboks from Schuh imperfections for mega cheap and they are like walking on clouds.
Doing: endless uni work (and wasting too much time on the vapourwave photo editor I downloaded on my phone).

Feeling: Anxious. Very anxious.
Achievements: I reached 60 sales in my etsy shop, I also reached a goal of leaving the house on my own and getting a bus- it was bloody hard but I did it!
Goals: Finish uni work mainly, I am also working on another anxiety based goal for next week.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Depression is a liar.

Depression tells you no one cares. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you you have no future. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you it will not get better. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you you are on your own. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you nothing will change. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you no one understands. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you you are unloved. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you you are useless. IT IS WRONG.
Depression tells you you are pathetic. IT IS WRONG.

You need to hear this because I have a big truth for you:

It will tell you whatever it takes to make you feel worse. But you don't have to believe it. That is depressions weakness: that you are stronger. 

Everytime your depression tells you a lie hit it back with a truth.

People do care.
You do have a future.
It will get better.
You are not on your own.
Things will change.
Lots of people understand.
You are loved.
You are capable.
You are strong. 

If you would like some information about therapy there are a lot of interesting articles here*

*sponsored link

Monday, 1 April 2019

Home + shelfie

If like me you are very nosy and love looking through people's homes and stuff then this post is for you! Here is just loads of pictures of my bookshelves, desk space and geeky stuff. I do love a good #shelfie.