Sunday, 3 August 2014

New Things...

Today's post is going to be a round up of some of the new things I've bought over the last few weeks... 

I can never resist a look in Primark and managed to find some gems last week when I wondered in- I got some cute glittery purple frilly socks for £1.50, a Hulk coffee cup for £2.50 (Hulk is one of my all time favourite superheroes and I am in love with this cup!), and a kawaii kitty coin purse which is made of rubber and was just £2.

I also got this lovely bag for £8, although I'm still trying to track down the My Little Pony sunglasses I saw on Instagram. Must. Have.

In Poundland I got some more great bargains. A load of Hello Kitty make up including a really well pigmented matte browns eyeshadow palette. I got some Sally Hansen Sugar Coat nail polishes (which make it look like your nails are covered in fairly dust) and a speckled polish- I have a pink one too and they are really good :) I was also pretty excited to see some U.S candy so grabbed some...Mmm Reeses!

I was also given a nice surprise the other week when my Mum got me a bunch of Kimmidolls. They are kind of similar to Momiji, and are adorable. It turns out Home Bargains have a load of them in at the moment for super cheap.

Lastly, I spent a bit of my Birthday money early (too impatient) and bought the Friends complete box set. I'm really into 90s TV shows at the moment (I'm currently watching the greatness that is The X Files). This box set came in particularly handy last week when I spent a few days in bed ill.


  1. Those Kimidolls are so cute! I hope you are feeling better :) can't beat watching tv shows in bed!

    Danniella x

  2. I need that Hulk cup! The purple nail polish looks great, what a bargain too :)

    Kayleigh xo
    Ruffles and Rabbits

  3. I can't believe that the Hulk is from Primark. I really want one now!!! :) x


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